Mark took his group to Pondo this weekend also and it was really fun to hang out at camp again with Mark. As most of you know, my friend Mark and I met at jr. high summer camp (we were counselors) 15 years ago. So our friendship began as camp friends. We used to have a saying (and he won't remember this because like my brother - he remembers nothing) - we like jr. highers but not their moms. Too many close encounters with strange, overprotective, bazaar moms. But this weekend I have to say that a couple of jr. high moms came to my rescue. Never in all the years of doing ministry have I had so many logistical problems with transportation. First of all - transporting 28 people without church vans is difficult and add too it my fear of driving a 15 passenger van down the mountain (because of a windy drive from hell last year). But it's not just 28 people - it's all their winter "gear" nessessary and unnessessary. If it wasn't for those moms we would not have made it there or back - so thanks! (not that any of them read this). It was a good weekend but I missed Aaron and Brady terribly.
I got to snowboard on saturday with one of my jr. high girls - Carly (she's the one squinting in the picture). I had so much fun - she ripped it up - she's a good little snowboarder.
I'm sorry I wasn't there so that we could have that afternoon winter camp talk during freetime about "you know who". I miss you, Jo, but I don't miss the snow.... hey, that rhymes. It is in the low seventies at night here and I love it! I forgot how much I loved this time of the year here.
--The one and only, Aaron LeBrun
I wish I had been there!!!
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