Sunday, December 23, 2007

My favorite things . . .

This Christmas season has been a bit lonely and depressing - it's been hard to shake the funk.
I'm done shopping and wrapping, partying and reflecting, and still something feels incomplete. So I thought I would make a list of my favorite things in an effort to "not feel so bad".
1. Hannah and Julia - my beautiful nieces that I don't get to see enough.
2. Lazy, rainy days indoors
3. Summer @ Pondo
4. Seatbelt Bags - I just love them!
5. Seeing my oldest and dearest friends Jen & Di (usually only happens a few times a year and I'm really looking forward to seeing them on Christmas).
6. Friday night dinners with my family (or any night for that matter).
7. Movie Popcorn (especially with my mom)
8. My bed with my temperpedic pillow
9. Arcadia food - Tokyo Wako, Carmines, Goldsteins, Taco Lita, and Ace Yogurt
10. The fall season (especially Halloween to New Years)
11. Good TV (and my Tivos - yes I have more than one - baseball takes up a lot of space).
12. LA Dodgers (especially when they win)
13. Good Coffee - that should have been higher up on the list for sure.
14. Getting packages - even when it's just something lame I ordered
15. Barenaked Ladies Live (the band)
16. Spending long uninterupted time with God
17. Hearing the ocean at night when the surf is big
18. Being Clean (my house and myself)
19. Seeing people I miss (Like Jeff and Kristen and Jacob - it was really fun to hang out on Friday - thanks for dinner).
20. The smell of butter cream frosting, rosemary, or the scent of cologne that a friend wears.
21. Sushi
22. My uggs (or any slippers - I like my feet warm)
23. Pedicures
24. Felicity (the best show ever)
25. Snowboarding the day after a storm or wake boarding on the delta
26. Biola
27. Extra peppermint gum (but they changed the color to blue and I don't like it as much as white).
28. Paradise Sugar Cookies when they are hot
29. My amazing - fast - fun car
30. Anything else you've listened to me obsess about and that I forgot to put on this list.
Ahhhhh - Maria was right I do feel better.


Anonymous said...

Love you!

Anonymous said...

thanks for slipping us into the blog. I miss you too.