Thursday, January 10, 2008

Back on "The Plan"

My back has been doing so well that I decided it was time to get back on "the plan" at the 1st of the year. However, last week was a bust and so Monday, January 7th (also my mom's b-day) was my first day. If you don't know what "the plan" is - it's a fitness plan that includes super healthy eating (very low calorie intake) and working out 5 days a week. I did it 2 years ago and lost 35 pounds and recked my back - not this time. I'm a bit ashamed to say that I gained back almost 25 of those pounds (mostly because of back) but again - not this time. This time I've talked Tanya into jumping on board so we can support one another and my friend Steven is training us on Tuesdays. I have high hopes - so feel free to encourage me!

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